Research Zeitgeist - Q1
Research Recap has released its first quarter Research Zeitgeist.
Research Recap, launched by Alacra last summer, highlights interesting credit, investment, economic and market research. Each week, the most widely-read posts are noted in the Research Zeitgeist. Then, each quarter, a comprehensive Zeitgeist identifies those posts that received the most attention during the three-month period.
The Research Zeitgeist for the first quarter of 2008 was released this morning. Not surprisingly, the most widely read posts of the quarter largely reflected the credit crunch and market turbulence of recent months.
The top posts for the quarter were:
- Warning Signs Seen in Rising Credit Card Delinquencies (CreditSights)
- Research Primer: Credit Default Swaps (Fitch)
- Research Primer: Structured Investment Vehicles (Moody's)
- Bond Insurer Downgrades Could Lead to Bank Downgrades (S&P)
- Role of Hedge Funds in Subprime Crisis Examined (International Monetary Fund)
- Subprime Mortgage Lending Primer (NERA Economic Consulting)
- Market-led Measures Not Enough to Solve Subprime Fallout (Oxford Analytica)
- Write-down Spotlight Shifts to European Banks (CreditSights)
- Alternative Proposals to Stem Subprime Foreclosures (various)
- Audit Integrity Questions Citigroup's Risk Assessment (Audit Analytics)
Hmmm... I think I'm sensing a theme here. Perhaps if Ben Bernanke were reading Research Recap he might be less afraid to mention the R-word. I hope that Q2 and Q3 can bring some posts about growth and recovery, but I'm not optimistic.