LiveTwitting SIIA NetGain
For SIIA NetGain attendees who use Twitter, we’d encourage you to LiveTwitter the event.
LiveTwitting is a channel that allows us to post tweets during the conference. All of our tweets will be organized according to the appropriate panel.
Here are quick instructions on LiveTwitting:
First, from your Twitter account go to and select follow (or, if you use a different Twitter client, just follow @livetwitting).
Next, to turn on Live Twitting:
- d livetwitting ON NetGain # Session Title (a session will be created for each panel session)
- Simply send your tweets as usual
- When finished, end livetwitting by typing:
- d livetwitting OFF
- More features can be found here
Please use the session titles below for each of the conference sessions (this will ensure that everyone’s comments are mapped to the same sessions):
Welcome Remarks: welcome
Keynote - John Hagel: Hagel
State of the Industry: Industry
Previews (morning): Previews1
Blurring Perspectives: Blurring
Play With a Partner: Partner
Software and Content on the Mobile: Mobile
Previews (afternoon): Previews2
Revelation or Revolution: Social
Platforms – Will they Tilt? Platforms
Keynote – George Hu: Hu
State of the Industry-Private Equity: PE
Previews (morning): Previews3
Enterprise Opportunities: Enterprise
Keynote: Matthew Glotzbach: Glotzbach
Previews (afternoon): Previews4
Keynote – Clay Shirky: Shirky
State of the Industry-CEO: CEO
Need help? Send me a tweet @graubart