So, here I was worried that we wouldn't have anything interesting to talk about at the Blog World Financial Bloggers panel this Saturday. The Dow drops a thousand points and suddenly everyone's interested in Wall Street again.
If you're planning to be in Las Vegas for Blog World, be sure to circle 2:45pm Saturday for this panel. For those who've been following my "ten best financial blogs" series of posts, three of the top five will be represented on the panel - Paul Kedrosky, Felix Salmon and (Wallstrip founder) Howard Lindzon. And the fourth panelist will be Jim Ledbetter, who timed the launch of's new The Big Money to coincide with Mondays' five hundred point drop.
We'll discuss the current investment climate but will also dig in on topics such as blogonomics, blogs' impact on the rumor mill, the convergence between trade publishing and blogs and many other topics. What questions do you want me to ask? Put your thoughts in the comments below.
If you plan to attend Blog World, drop me a note when you're there. You can email me at barry - at - graubart - dot - com, or send me a tweet @graubart. I look forward to seeing you there.
Update: Dow Jones Newswires has posted an advance article on the Blog World financial blogging panel.