Blogging goes mainstream
Technorati's updated "State of the Blogosphere" reports, delivered as Part I and Part II, show some pretty amazing growth during the past six months.
Today, they index over 14 million blogs worldwide, double what they indexed in January. Of these, they indicate that more than 55% are "active" (defined as at least one post in the prior 3 months), with more than 80,000 new blogs per day. About 13% of blogs are updated at least weekly.
Technorati now indexes more than 900,000 blog posts per day (or 10 per second), more than double what it was seven months ago.
Much of the growth comes from new blogging tools in AOL and MSN, along with dedicated sites like Blogger and LiveJournal. Mobile blogging is beginning to register, with people finding new uses for their camera phones and similar.
One interesting note from the report is that posting activity peaks between 7am - 12pm PDT (10a - 3p eastern) and is 5-10% slower on weekends. In other words, this is not simply teenagers posting their diary to AOL after school, but means that blogging is occurring heavily in the workplace. Assuming that bloggers are also those who are reading RSS and blogs, it might suggest that the RSS market will be a strong opportunity for B2B publishers and content providers in the near future.