Buying & Selling eContent - Clare Hart Keynote
Live Blogging from BSeC
No wireless in the conference center (stifles a bit of the user-generated content capability), so posts will be sporadic the next two days.
Dow Jones Enterprise Media Group President Clare Hart kicked off the conference with the opening keynote. Clare focused on three key areas:
1. Major changes in the industry
2. What buyers and sellers need to do to adapt
3. What the Dow Jones Enterprise Group is doing
Clare enumerated keys for success in Web 2.0: innovation, simplicity, continuous evolution and accessibility. She used the term prosumer to frame people who were both producers and consumers of content. Key for success in the web 2.0 world will be engaging with these prosumers in a way that is easy to use, fast and accessible via both desktop and mobile platforms.
On the Dow Jones front, Clare spoke of efforts to move towards a web 2.0 world, but today those remain fairly limited, for example, making more content available on a mobile platform.
She closed her keynote by posing three challenges to the attendees:
1. Come away from the conference with three ways to transform your organization into a web 2.0 organization.
2. Consider the best ways to engage with prosumers and build communities (whether social or technological)
3. Brainstorm with colleagues (and even competitors) about new business models for your industry.