Research Recap Announces Top Posts of 2007
Research Recap, launched by Alacra last summer, has unveiled the 10 most widely read posts of 2007.
Research Recap is a free service that highlights and abstracts compelling credit, investment, economic, market and industry research. Research Recap is published in blog format and is also available as a free RSS feed. Much of the underlying research is available free of charge, while some is available for a fee, either through the Alacra Store or from individual content provider sites.
Research Recap editors review tens of thousands of research reports each year, surfacing those reports which they feel provide insights and information not well-covered in the mainstream media. Topics covered by Research Recap in 2007 were varied, with considerable coverage of the housing and credit markets, eCommerce and social networking, corporate governance, energy and green technologies, hedge funds among others.
While the topics covered by Research Recap during the year were broad, eight of the ten most widely-read Research Recap posts were focused on the subprime mortgage market implosion.
The most widely read post this year was, US “Housing Bust” Effects to Linger Until 2009, based upon a report issued by Moody's, barely nudging past More Bank, Brokerage Writedowns, Ratings Cuts Inevitable, which sourced a CreditSights report. Other posts among our top 10 highlighted reports issued by S&P, the International Monetary Fund, Fitch Research, the Wharton School of Business and among others.
The full top-10 list is available on the Research Recap site and can also be found here.
During the year, we were most proud of the fact that Research Recap consistently surfaced topics that were later picked up in the mainstream media. For example, in October, Research Recap highlighted several reports suggesting the possibility of the subprime crisis spilling over into commercial real estate. That same topic was covered two months later by major business publications. Similarly, Research Recap has been out in front on topics such as the questionable wisdom of using food crops for biofuels and bailout plans for complex financial instruments such as SIVs.
Each Friday, Research Recap publishes a Research Zeitgeist post, highlighting the most widely read and other notable posts from the prior week. Another regular feature of Research Recap are our highly alliterative Research Recap Research Roundups, which provide quick links and summaries to multiple views on a given topic.
Publishers seeking to have their content reviewed by Research Recap may contact the Research Recap editor at editor-at-researchrecap-dot-com.